According to their website, Sunset Wheat "has a soothing taste that will leave you speechless." Oh yeah? Well, that would make for a pretty shitty review, so I'll just try and work through my sudden bout of speechlessness.
It's really difficult to give an unbiased review on this fine beverage because my love for Sunset Wheat has been well documented - I drink Sunset Wheat like it's my fkn job. In fact, the frequency in which I crack open bottles of Sunset Wheat would probably be comparable to the number of jerk-off sessions I had between the years of 1994-1999. I often refer to this phase of my life as The Troubles. Not The Troubles, but the time of my life I spent praying for a freak accident involving a pool of Jello, a 12-Volt battery charger, my dick, and an anonymous vagina falling from heaven. Needless to say, I never did find that pool of Jello nor did I get enveloped by the business end of a labia majora. However, my mom did get me a 12-volt battery charger for my birthday one year.
On to the beer....
This is the beer I fall back on when wanting to relax with friends - whether it be a warm day at the golf course or a chilly December day manning the grill for the last time of the season. Its drinkability score is off the charts, and the great thing is that I NEVER get tired of the flavor. Some people compare the taste of Sunset Wheat to that of Fruit Loops. To that I can only reply with a hearty "go fuck yourself". Seriously, I want proof of said self f-ing session in the form of a) polaroids; b) conventional 35 mm film; or c) stinky pinky.
I highly recommend this beer, so go buy some right now. Either that or show up at my door with pinky extended.