Tuesday, April 15, 2008

Inexpensive Beer Report: Milwaukee Classic Ice

On Saturday afternoon, the Good Brother and I decided to take the 45 minute drive up to Kenosha, Wisconsin to go beer hunting. Specifically, my brother was looking for Bells (which ain't available in Chicago) and we were both looking for the Holy Grail of Inexpensive Beer - Genesee Cream Ale. We hit up this HUGE grocery store called Woodmans, it was literally the size of a Super Wal-Mart, maybe bigger. Their beer selection did not disappoint - we got the Bells & Genesee along with a bevy of inexpensive beers that will grace the pages of Your Liver Hates You over the next month or so.

I was immediately drawn to the "Classic Ice" for the following reasons:
  1. I've never heard of it
  2. It was dirt cheap ($9.99 for 30)
  3. It came in four packs
That's right people, four 12oz beers for sale. This absolutely blew my mind, what company would have the gall to sell 4 regular beers for a sub $2 price? Apparently the Milwaukee Premium Brewing Company, that's who!

Apparently the Milwaukee Premium Brewing Company (at least according to the fine folks at ratebeer.com) is a subsidiary of City Brewing. Ratebeer's listing of City Brewery's beers is a Who's Who of crap beer that I've enjoyed throughout my lifetime - Beer 30, Camo, DB Hobbs, Jaguar High Gravity Lager (which I also enjoyed thanks to the trip up north), La Crosse Lager, Schaefer Light and Sportz. These beers are all winners to a connoisseur of Inexpensive Beer like myself..... well actually Camo is absolutely terrible but in all the right ways. So my excitement level was quickly rising when I cracked open my first Classic Ice.

Now I love a shitty beer, but Milwaukee Classic Ice takes shitty to a whole new level. This is definitely one of the worst non MaltLiquor/HighGravityWhatever beers I've ever had. It doesn't have much taste going down, but it has a weird "texture" when drinking that I can't describe. I'm pretty sure it has something to do with an absurdly low carbonation level. When your sip is complete, the aftertaste kicks in. Not overwhelming mind you, but just enough to say "I'm here and you won't enjoy my company" - a most odd double whammy.

So Milwaukee Classic Ice has done what I previously though impossible - present me with a cheap, obscure, poorly brewed domestic beer that I don't really enjoy. Actually, now that I'm near slaying the 4 pack and its 6.0% ABV buzz is kicking in - I can think of worse ways to spend my time. Still, be wary of the Milwaukee Classic Ice, fine traveler....


McLane said...

"When your sip is complete, the aftertaste kicks in. Not overwhelming mind you, but just enough to say "I'm here and you won't enjoy my company" - a most odd double whammy."

This reminds me of when I asked or dear friend fighton what he thought of the Olympia.

"Ummm...it has some...bite."

Matt said...

'So Milwaukee Classic Ice has done what I previously though impossible - present me with a cheap, obscure, poorly brewed domestic beer that I don't really enjoy. '

I have come across qute a few of those, each one saddens me beyond belief.

Anonymous said...

But did you try it with an orange? Mind-blowingly delicious.

Unknown said...

I actually like this beer, its great with everythimg from mexican food to brownies. Compared to the slew of other sub-premium ice style beers this one may have an odd aftertaste and "nose", but it doesnt give me the shits or a headache. Unlike Beast Ice or Natty Ice. After awhile the "corn" taste sort of is comforting. I suspect it is so cheaply made that it lacks a lot of the chemicals found in many other sub-premium beers Ive sampled. Sad part is is that it actually sort of ruins my desire to drink pricey "artsy" beers, such a pity. A 30 pack is 10-12 bucks in Michigan, Id be paying that for a 6 pack of Bell's. Hey on the up side, it least it isn'g Bugwiser, the "Marlboro Red" of beer. And what can one expect for around 40 cents? It does deliver a nice buzz.

Anonymous said...

You write very well.

Anonymous said...

just had my first classic ice last night and let me just describe the experience like this...playing a game of beer pong with it in the cups was so unbearable that i had to chase each cup with a swig of keystone

i daresay that speaks for itself, its like beer flavored vodka that someone pissed in

Anonymous said...

ah yes, Classic Ice, Classic lights slightly more potent cousin. Not bad beer when your on a budget... I prefer Classic Light myself, unless I'm really looking to catch a quick buzz. Compared to other very cheap beers, such as Red Dog or Hamms, id take a Classic anyday.

Anonymous said...

If you hadn't gotten the 48 cans for $15.00 that they sell in a cardboard octagon (or Keg Case as they call it), you would have noticed the free bag of peanuts you also get with the beer. Thats right, FREE BAG OF PEANUTS. No matter the taste, Classic Ice always wins.

Besides, after the 2nd one, everything tasted the same anwyway. So call up Pizza Shuttle and get some classic and enjoy your evening

Anonymous said...

Our fraternity would drive up from Peoria IL with a UHaul to get 100's of cases of this wonderful brew. Cheap, potent, and makes you delightfully angry for some reason.

Any night with classic ice was one you wished you could actually remember.....

Unknown said...

Personally, I LOVE this stuff, it IS the swill that dreams are made of. Sweet, smooth and GREAT on ice. (Try it!!!) It doesn't have that bitterness of Beast Ice, nor does it have that rotten taste that Natty Ice does. Better yet, I have not gotten a head ache or hang over from this beer once. While I agree with not being able to really taste the better beers after drinking this for a while, I wouldn't be drinking Clazzic if I could afford the good stuff. (Yes I would)
So I'm off to crack a cold one and pour it over ice, sipping dreamily thinking of how I should really be doing something else but this beer is just SO DAMN GOOD!!!

Anonymous said...

I buy this beer all of the time. I used to buy Natty Ice but this is cheaper and tastes no worse. It is more expensive here in Minn at 13.49 for 30 but it delivers what I need which is a good buzz at a cheap price.

Anonymous said...

Classic ice is great stuff you must be bad at drinking beer

ed shinsky said...

I have been drinking 3 30 packs a week. I really like the beer. But I
just got 3 cases that taste