Beer is titties and tacos. And this particular beer is the nippliest chalupa i've ever put in my mouth.
As you may know many beers at this alcohol level taste like liquid turds. But this beer is so good that it will probably make you crap your pants in disbelief. I still do. Ever since I started drinking Eye Of The Hawk I've been dropping more stool than a camoflauge bar seat. This beer is the Shawn Michaels of beers. And if you like Eye Of The Hawk you will probably also like Red Tail ALe, very much so the Marty Jannetti of the Mendocino Brewing Company. Much like the last girl at the local dive bar near closing time, its pretty much impossible to not fall in love with the heavy bodied presentation. Heavy, yet smoother than a Kenny G saxophone solo. Hard to believe?
I know.
I used to be like you.
Taste: 10/10
Price: 6/10
Hangover Potetential: 10/10
Overall: 9/10
heavy bodied presentation, I love it. Does this beer exist outside California?
i think gantry had some in chicago
I got some awhile back and absolutely hated it, but I'm cut from a different cloth (see upcoming review). I want to say Sperling bought it in St. Louis cause we were there for the NCAA wrestling tournament and Hawk = Iowa Hawkeyes. Broiler is a better man than I though, so I likely need to give it another shot...
if i recall correctly, gantry drank these warm. horrible beer to drink warm i imagine
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