Here in Texas we've got a wonderful brewery that more or less takes up an entire small town. Shiner's most famous product, Shiner Bock, is (I'm guessing) exported everywhere around the US and is a fine, fine beer. In the last couple of years, they've been branching out with some success, and some weirdness.
Shiner Dunkelweizen evidently was their Winter Ale and they just decided to make up some bullshit sounding German name to call it so that they could sell it all year round. A Google search says that a dunkelweizen is the dark version of a hefeweizen, so that bodes well, as I love me some wheat beer. It's the only non-cheap beer which will fuck me up good and not make me feel too terrible in the morning, which really is my favorite quality in a beer anymore. Unfortunately for my long term health, I drink way too much.
Anyway, let's crack this mother open.
Taste: 4/10
Tasted more like a crappy ale than what I would have expected from a dark wheat beer. I don't think I could make it through more than two before giving up on my drinking for the evening (at least as far as the dunkelweizen is concerned). No hint of anything from a wheat beer at all.
Aroma: ?
It smells like dark beer. Even years after quitting smoking, I still can't smell shit.
Price: 5/10
7.49 for a sixer. For what I assumed this beer to be, that was about what I expected. I don't pay that much for beer on a regular basis but if it was better, I wouldn't have objected too much.
Hangover: 8/10
I wrote all this other shit last night. I made it through 3, and I felt like ass this morning. I did start the day off with a (free) Dogfish Head 90 Minute IPA so that may have been a contributing factor. Even eating a second dinner of Wendy's around midnight while playing Dead Rising was ineffectual. I was dropping a bomb as soon as I woke up, and my head felt like microscopic dwarves had come in through my ear canal and were digging through the front of my head.
I found this in a gas station near my house but haven't seen it anywhere else around the suburb that I live, grocery stores, liquor stores, nothing, just this one gas station. I wonder if they're just repurposing beer just to fuck with me.
I'll be trying the rest of Shiner's newer beers at some point in the near future but this one has turned me off to their stuff for a while. It's too bad because their Bock is the BANC.
Can you describe said microscopic dwarves?
Tiny, bearded, fat, they had pickaxes.
I've only seen the Shiner Bock, and even that ain't too common in Chicago. I will not be purchasing this beer, though the prospect of dwarves in my head is enticing - especially if it was the band of the same name...
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