Okay, so this may be the first time in the history of people that a person has ever done a review of their own review. But when I found Keystone again in the only place I'd ever seen it before, I felt a review was in order....
In its entirety is my first review from March '07:
Keystone: First off, let's get it straight. We're dealing with Keystone here. Not Keystone Light, Ice, etc, etc. We're talking motherfucking KEY STONE. In a fkn silver and red can that, to be honest, looks more buckeye-esque than any of the shitty new jerseys OSU football or basketball has thrown out there. We all know I'm partial to crazy beers I've never seen before, but I've always thought Keystone light was a damn smooth cheap brew and if I'm looking to get shithoused off $6, you better believe I'm going down to the Marathon station for a 12 pack. For history's sake we'll even go back to when I was a douchey high school freshamn who couldn't drink more than one beer at a time until this slut from Columbus we partied with brought over a backpack full of Keystone Light and I proceeded to drink 10 of them and fingerbang her friend. But I digress, let's get started with the review of KeystoneLight.
Price: 5/10... Not that paying $6.25 for a 12 is the worst thing ever but not exactly what you're looking for from a Keystone quality beer.
Taste: 7/10... Hey, I might be in the minority but I think Keystone Light (which I'd always called Keystone until I made today's discovery) is about as good a mass produced beer as you will get for the price. Well, the regular version is no different. There's a subtle difference from Light but still an outstanding beverage.
Randomness: 15/10... So I'm covering a basketball game in a shitty little KY town Monday when I noticed a decent size liquor store across the street. So having to go back there today, with that in mind I leave early enough to check it out. I go inside and they're seriously having a fkn hoedown. Dudes are really just sitting around on coolers by the counter slaying beers and playing guitar. The smoke damn near knocked me down when I walked in. It was damn near the most kick ass thing I've ever seen. I wondered if they were even open for buisiness, but given that no one said anything to me or even looked up I just decided to grab something quick and get out. Well, there's Keystone, which i'm seeing for the first time ever. I don't know that i've ever been more sure of a decision in my life.
Overall: 8.5/10... The randomness of this find and the store made my weekend after a damn crazy and stressful week.
After further rewiew a year later...
Intro: Pretty much been taken care of...
Price: 4/10... Inflation has apparently brought the cost of Keystone
Taste: 8/10... This beer retains its awesomeness and then some... I sat here tonight and drank this and then alternated with a tall boy of the light version and have to say that the more elusive scarlet and grey version brings a lot more to the table. It's like there's a party in my mouth and everyone's invited.
Randomness/history... 100/10... See, last time I thought I had walked on on an isolated incident in which a hoedown broke out in the middle of a liquor store. I mean, we've all had parties that were overcome with a lot more awesomeness than expected... no big deal. I was so wrong on so many levels. I go back, this time on a Tuesday night, and this place is jumping. Like 20 old dudes sitting around pounding brews and watching the UK game. I would seriously doubt that any bar in the town had this kind of atmosphere. UK still sucks ass but but this fine establishment has gained my respect for life.
Is the 6.25 & 6.75 for the 12'er with or without tax? Seems like a quality price to me.
Save me a can of that bad boy if you have any left, not sure when I could get it from you but I doubt I'll ever see the regular version in Chicago...
Well done, the meta-review is quite the concept. I'm going to be sure to keep my eye out for this but I have never seen it before in my damn life.
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