I have been blessed by the beer gods as my lovely young sister recently took a trip to Belgium. As you may or may not know, Belgium is an awesome place to find world class brew. Being the saint she is, she volunteered to ship some beers to me, and this is the first I'll be reviewing. On to the beer...
Appearance: 9.5/10
Poured with a nice head (about 2 1/2 fingers) and showed good retention. Nice caramel color which really looked good in the crystal glass (also a gift from lil sis). The lacing was almost non-existent, but that's understandable in such a wide and shallow glass.
Aroma: 7/10
A nice full, malty aroma with more than a faint hint of caramel. I definitely didn't get a hoppy smell from this fine brew. From the initial smell I could tell this would be a very malty beverage.
Taste: 9/10
Delicious. A nice sweet initial taste although I couldn't quite place it right away. I expected to notice a bit of an alcohol-bite from a 7% beer brewed by monks, but I was pleasantly surprised to find nothing of the sort. Completely velvety smooth and almost, dare I say, frothy
Mouthfeel: 10/10
A good feel in the mouth - not too thick and not watery by any means. What a good beer is supposed to feel like.
Drinkability: 9/10
This is not a pounding beer by anymeans - in fact, I was feeling a very slight buzz after completing one bottle. However, its nice smooth, malty flavor and high alcohol content make it an awesome beer (or two) to have after a long day of sitting on your ass at work.
Overall: 9.5/10
Awesome beer that I highly recommend to anyone who can find it. Thanks, sis!
Pretty fancypants stuff. I wonder if BevMo's giant Belgium section would have this shit. Is that fancy glass necessary for drinking it?
I wasn't in the mood to piss off the Belgium beer gods, so I didn't try pouring it into my 44 oz. Big Gulp cup. If you plan on doing so, I would recommend doing so indoors and only after you remove your tinfoil hat. This should cut your chances of being stricken dead by lightning by at least 40%.
That is one hell of a sister you have there. I have a few fancy glasses myself, which I often drink Schlitz out of. It makes me lol. They also help when I really want to geek out and sniff a beer, a bad habit I have formed.
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